Wednesday, October 10, 2012

THE ANTIQUE AND DESIGN CENTERHigh point, North Carolina 

We made it!  Second trip to setup for the High Point show starting the 12th of October thru the 18th.
Phew!  We are so glad we came early!
This building is so awesome.  There are so many vendors with the most amazing merchandise all in one place.  It sure was hard to focus on fixing our room when your eyes just can't keep to themselves!  Drooling over all the amazing stuff around us!  :)

Ok, Not a great picture but I wanted to share what our space looked like before we put it together.  Chaos!!!
Our Amazing Friend Trina Lucido from The Paper Flea market gave us a goody TOOL KIT gift!  She is just amazing!  What didn't she think of?  

Look at all of this stuff!  I want a tool kit to just lock her up in to help us all the time.  What would we do without you Trina???????

After working for about 5 hours, this is what we were able to pull together!
Front view of our space
Left front. Oh....those mirrors!  I love them!
This isn't a clear pic.  Sorry!  Back left venue with warm colors.  That is actually a pumpkin burnt orange colored chaise lounger.  It would be amazing in an room.
Back left corner near the hall windows.  This round table is made out of a huge round window.  We had an iron worker make a base for it to sit into.  Both Steph and I wanted to keep it.....but, When we both love something so much we decide to sell it.  Fair, is fair!  hahaha!
This is in the hallway.  We used our more masculine/rustic decor.  The two spheres on top of  the chairs are hanging lights.
Great writing desk, antique chest, wallpaper lamp, Huge Chalkboard and accessories!
Another venue.  Great antique game table, bar cart, Mohair lime green chair and one more wallpaper  roll lamp.  We are obviously obsessed with them!
A closer view!
and....last but not least this amazing drafting table.  I LOVE IT!

We are having such a blast.  Were taking off at 5:00 am tomorrow.  Few more finishing touches and the room is ready for business!


  1. I'm so, so proud of you! Everything looks great and I know you're going to do so well. Have fun and pass out all those business cards! xoxo

  2. It looks awesome ! So much to take in. You will have a fabulous week!

  3. Holy cow...I had no idea. It is anthropologie without the clothing...I would be completely broke if I lived near you. BRAVO!

  4. O.K., so if you ever come across some reasonably priced Jadeite Fire-King milk glass coffee mugs, I'll take them (prefer the D handle).
